Checking Account Rates

Rates effective 03/28/2025
Rates subject to change without notice.


Modern Fit Checking


0.00%-0.25% APY*

Minimum to open $100

Balance $1,000.01 or more
Interest Rate 0.25%

Balance $0-$1,000
Interest Rate 0.00%

Classic Fit Checking Account - Tiered Interest

0.10% APY*

Minimum to open $100
Balance $0.01 - $4,999.99 
Interest Rate 0.10%

0.15% APY*

Minimum to open $100
Bal. $5,000 - $14,999.99
Interest Rate 0.15%

0.20% APY*

Minimum to open $100
Bal. $15,000 - $49,999.99
Interest Rate 0.20%

0.25% APY*

Minimum to open $100
Bal. $50,000 or more
Interest Rate 0.25%

HSA Checking Account - Tiered Interest

0.05% APY*

Minimum to open $100
Balance $0.01 - $499.99
Interest Rate 0.05%

0.10% APY*

Minimum to open $100
Balance $500 - $2,499.99
Interest Rate 0.10%

0.10% APY*

Minimum to open $100
Bal. $2,500 - $4,999.99
Interest Rate 0.10%

0.15% APY*

Minimum to open $100
Balance $5,000 or more
Interest Rate 0.15%

*APY = Annual Percentage Yields and are current as of the posted date. Fees, service charges and withdrawals may reduce earnings. Early withdrawal penalties may be assessed on all certificates of deposit. Contact an employee for further information regarding applicable fees and terms. A complete account disclosure is available for all accounts. The Annual Percentage Yield assumes interest will remain on deposit. Interest rate and APY on variable rate accounts may change after the account is opened as rates are subject to change at any time.

Online Account Opening

Available now at Mutual Federal.